Terms & Conditions
Reception of data
When yielding its personal information, voluntarily, it will only be acceded by our services. Personal information is considered everything what it can be used to identify an user as, for example, name, electrónico address, heading, date of birth, género, personal profession, necessary excessively given interests or so that let us can give the requested service or until improving the functioning of our Site. We do not registamos personal information automatically, including its address of IP. The register of the IP addresses that consult the Site serves only for analysis effect traffic statistics. The supplied data will not be transferred to third without its previous assent.
Cancellation of orders:
the order of the User
the User will be able to effect the cancellation of its order being requested it it the Funtrónica through the number of telephone or email relating the number of the order, which will be acceptance since that the same one not yet has been processed. After its processing, ours equips will try to effect the delivery of the same one, but the User has the option of not accepting.
For the cancellation effect the User will have to indicate the following ones given to the Funtrónica:
a) Number of order
b) NIF with that it effected the order and dwelling of delivery
For decision of the Funtrónica;
the Funtrónica is reserved in the right not to process orders, when to verify some inconsistency in the personal datas presented or to observe malconduct on the part of the purchaser. The Funtrónica is reserved in the right not to effect the processing of any order or reimbursement, in the case of if verifying errors in the values and/or characteristics of the products, when these to elapse of problems other people's technician or errors to the Funtrónica.
Any changes carried through in the Politics of Privacy of this Site will be acquitted in this page and can at any time be efectuadas. If the alteration will be substantial and have implications in the form as we use its data, will be informed through an acknowledgment in the page of entrance of the Site.